Monday, May 4, 2009

A blog I have on

  Who is Susan Boyle? 
52 minutes ago filed under Entertainment » Music

I'm writing this because I noticed Susan Boyle's name popping up all over Here is what the story is in a nutshell: 

Susan Boyle is a 48 year old woman from Scotland. She auditioned for the show "Britain's Got Talent" earlier on this year. On the show she sings a song from Les Miserables- " I dreamed the dream". Boyle's homely appearance turns the audience against her before she starts her song.

However, Boyle gently pulls the audience into "her dream world" as she sings her first words. The audience erupts into massive applause as the judges stare, in sheer appreciation. Her Youtube sensation has gained more views in a couple days than most classic rock songs have.  

 If you haven't seen the "Britains got talent video" of Susan, check it out. It was well worth the 5 or 6 minutes.

 Look the video up yourselves. :) 

An important realization... after all these years.

In essence, this is the closest I can come ( right now) to understanding who I was a month ago, what my main fears were, and what I have started learning to become... with the gifts of graces. 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”-Marianne Williamson

Attribution: I copy and pasted this quote from your page, Julie. 

Being meek and humble, and putting others before yourself is good, but FIRST AND FOREMOST: GET TO KNOW YOURSELF.

God didn't just say- "Love your neighbor". He said- "Love your neighbor AS YOURSELF". How can you live out that commandment if you do not love YOURSELF first? In doing so, you can better love your neighbor, because you will understand what it is like to love from within.

Bottom line: Know yourself. DO NOT be afraid to let your natural talents shine and grow. Others will benefit MORE greatly from this.

Feel free to add to this thought... 


Inspiration to become a member of the Militia Immaculata

This is a portion of text taken from the book - A Man For Others by Patricia Treece. (the book chronicles the life of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe M.I.) 

"(3) As members of the spiritual army fighting under the generalship of Mary, give yourself to God through service to her. To be one in will with Mary of the great fiat, the only human being whose will has never deviated by her choice from God's, is to be perfectly united to the will of God. And it is this alignment of your will with his that is the pressing business of your life."

-St. Max Kolbe M.I.

How Beautiful.

P.S. Thank you so much Julie, for letting me borrow this book. :) 


The first blog I wrote on facebook

For the ♥ of Money.

I've been struggling with some spiritual gifts I've been given these past 2 weeks. I have been sharing bits and pieces with a couple people, but I haven't really shared the full extent of things until last night. 

I realize I need to take a step back from everything, to let go and trust that the grace of God will guide me to where I wanna be. Trust that he will give me the strength to do what is necessary for me to experience his love. A love I have not fully experienced yet. I want that. 

To do that, I realize it MAY be a lonely path for a period of time. I'm scared. But I know I'll have God. I know I can rely on Mary, and she will hold my hand through things. This gives me strength, and comfort. 

I believe God allows us to experience good things in life, to give us a taste of what could eventually be so much greater, through him. Only when we accept this will we truly be satisfied. 

Kiley put it this way (with a slight re-interpretation of the phrase she used)-

" There is a one dollar bill. 

We see that one dollar bill, and we want to have it. 

It's a one dollar bill, it will provide us happiness with it's worth. 

At the same time, God is waiting for us with a FIVE dollar bill. 

It's only when we put down the one dollar bill, that God will lovingly HAND us the five dollar bill".

This makes so much sense. Sometimes we don't want to put down the one dollar bill. Sometimes we think a one dollar bill is all we need to be happy, because it makes us happy. We are aware there is a five dollar bill, and sometimes we can even see the five dollar bill, but are hesitant to receive it. 

God wants us to give it to us very badly. If we only let him make our lives better. 

We need money more than ever right now. ;) 


Time to update my blog. 5/4/09

I have decided to post all my facebook "notes" here. These are a collection of small blogs from the past couple months.